Well I messed up again
Telling you how I feel
I am such an idiot
I could have sworn this was real
I do this every time
I meet a new guy
I feel all these things
I feel I could fly
But then I open my mouth
And all these words come out
Some I regret
All of them I doubt
I say them without thinking
Hoping only for the best
Always expecting the worst
All my words fail the test
They ruin a good thing
And push you away
I would take them all back
If it meant you would stay
Why do I grasp
Onto something I can't keep,
When all I want to do
Is run away and weep?
All these words I have said.
What a mess I have made.
Maybe one day,
These feelings will fade.
It was bound to happen
Me thinking too much
Now I have thought
How could I have said such?
The words, they seem stupid.
Words, they're not helping.
Why do I keep writing?
I know I am slipping......