Words we didn't want to hear,
that would bring us so much fear...
Words we didn't understand,
that would bring us so many tears...
Words that would cause us so much pain,
and cause us to fall in love again...
Words that would test our love,
and cause us our faith to maintain...
Words that are devastating are Multiple Myeloma,
Hear our pleas Lord and send us a miracle,
Heal my husband Lord and his life sustain...
Words were sent from up above,
a reply to many prayers and pleas,
Lord ease this strain...
Words our Lord sent to us,
I will watch you from up above,
and make your bones strong once again...
Words we pray to our Lord,
Bless all those we love and all who prayed,
come into their hearts and homes and there remain...
Words we pray to our Lord,
thank you my Lord for this miracle,
we pray for faith to all in pain...