Words of the Soul
a pen to a page with stories to tell
if words could paint a picture what object would that picture sell
a scribble a scratch a cross a stright line
a story a word written in rhymes
a search a solution a problem of kinds
never in the grasp of hands to find
if pages were re-written turning back time
would it cause the flow to cease in the mind
or would it constrict and tighten the bind
if the path to resistance would break down design
could you look at the path before you, to see the sign
or would you turn away and leave it behind
pretending you did'nt see because youre blind
it walks through the shadows of the cracks at your feet
escaping the sunlight sprawled out on the street
it claims sweet victory then asks for defeat
devouring the fruits then pursuiing the meat
enveloped in coldness exuding heat
while the world must stand forcing you to take a seat
man makes history and history makes a man
when the soul reaches out for the body to stand
to live each breath as if it were your last
looking to the future but taking note of the past
when thoughts seem to stop you must make them resume
before the present turns to the past to consume
thoughts are important but not a place to dwell
to build up a wall to surround you in hell
building an ego that soars past towers
giving others the key to use your powers
to build restraint placed upon your soul
for you to understand its yours to control