Words To My Son
Time is of the essence
In the time we have to share
Tomorrow's not a given
Yesterday's no longer here
So live life to the fullest
Love and laugh and sing
Stop dreaming of your wishes
And live out every dream
Forget about your heartaches
Take your losses all in stride
Go beyond what you thought possible
Let passion be your guide
Look back and always reaffirm
Commitments that you've made
Be a person of your word
Give thanks for each new day
Don't compromise your principles
Sit to the Lords right hand
Be kind, caring and compassionate
To your fellow man
Leave each place that you go
Better than you came
Know that friends and family
Are worth more than is fame
Give to those you see in need
With silver and or gold
And if money's not what they need most
Just be a hand to hold
Don't live beyond the means you have
Save up for rainy days
When you find your one true love
Don't let them get away
Admit when you are wrong
And be humble when you're right
Make sure to say I Love You
Before your head lays down each night
Don't put off till tomorrow
What you can do today
Cause time on earth passes fast
You'll soon be old and gray
Listen to your elders
And learn from what they say
Cherish every moment shared
Give thanks for memories made
Be not bitter when those you love
Are called to head on home
Give thanks for all the time you had
Be glad that it was known
Be sure to keep your head held high
Work hard in all you do
Remember of these words I wrote
And know that I Loved You!