Worship Not the Creature But the Creator
Many worship the creature(man)...
rather than the creator.
This is often portrayed
on t.v. and the theater.
Twisting God's truth into
a corruptible lie,
Many seek anything they
feel will "satisfy."
Their minds become filled with
wickedness of every kind.
Not willing to give a loving God
just a little of their time.
Addictions creep in... often
catching one unaware.
Soon, trapping people into
temptation's snare.
Only the blood of Jesus can give
a way to escape.
You must do it now--
before it's too late!
Only through him, can you
have victory each day.
With every temptation...
Jesus will make a way!
Worshiping the creator is what
you were designed to do.
All of heaven anxiously extends
an invitation to you!
Allow Jesus to bring true joy and
satisfaction to your soul!
It's only in him, that you can be
set free and made whole!
By Jim Pemberton