Worth Fighting For
Worth a Fight.
It is no longer about right or wrongs it
is about taking a stand..... Against those whose forefathers
came to this country to escape poverty and tyranny,
and now want to end democracy
the unwritten consensus by people of different classes.
We have become soft liberal,
Christianity you said? Don’t make me laugh we are far too
self assured to believe in god.
And we are giving way while their imams eggs the people on
and not for a moment do they stop
No, not for a sneeze of hesitation do they think that if they went
back to their forefathers’ country, whip would await them
in dank cells. Their faith has good points.... no it has not.
But they have the right to return back to their cherished
land and practice a faith that is still stuck in the middle aged.
Soft liberal, giving way for the sake of peace,
a peace I will not accept and I will fill bullets in chambers of
my revolver to defend what my people fought for it is called
democracy, shaky yes, with many flaws, but so far
a system worth fighting for