Worth the Wait Vol.Ii
Me, I'm in a different type mind set wit this reunion
I'm looking forward to it's going to be hard to be patient
but highly necessary, so I guess you can say when this
world gets too much I need you not be hesitant to
carry me over that stumbling block yeah, I'm hott,
on fire for God but I'm still in need of your warmth
this loneliness got my emotions emotionally torn
like a sharp thorn I vision on the date that we meet
Heaven itself will sound the horns because at that
moment we have reaped our harvest, and even
when you go threw the worst of the things
I'll be right there to lead you outta darkness
I'm awaiting that reunion, and because you're
a woman of God I know I'll get closer to you
just by taking holy communion. You see I'm a
kingdom man and in that castle I await my queen,
yeah I know you're worth the wait so I await
in suspense that which is still unseen.