Worthe Saving .. Or Just Another Failure
It was the most beautiful thing actually feeling like i have that love that most could only
dream of having, willing to do anything to keep it going just not give you my whole heart.
Not wanting to hold my past against you but sometimes cant help but go back to hearing
those words "YOU CAN TRUST YOUR HEART IS IN GOOD HANDS"I mean sure i can feel that
you mean it when you say your deeply in love with me but my heart feels it but my mind has
not caught up with my heart to also agree.I probably will be making a mistake by not giving
you the chance to prove yourself so im sitting here debating is it worthe saving or will it be
just another failure?Not really wanting an answer dont really feel i would be able to handle
the truth of maybe im making a mistake of letting you walk out of my life because i let the
past destroy my future, that future that i kept asking for and finally got it and doesnt know
what to do wit it. I THINK ITS WORTHE SAVING..