Would I Survive
What would I do if you left
Took all our dreams away
We have become one
Would I then be half a man
A shadow of my former self
who would remember our stories
Finish my thoughts
Be the completion of me
You are the sunshine that lights my soul
Would I survive the darkness
I could seek comfort in the arms of another
Still their's would not be your arms, your lips
They would not know the rhythm of me
My body and mind could not fully be free
These thoughts are too hard to contemplate
So I will put them away
For I know who you are
You will not rip yourself away
Love is made to last
You are my present future and past
Embodiment of dreams coming true
Although I'm still me I am part of you
So in the end you have all of me
I give you my trust
My smiles
The best and worst of me
Both without fear
You will not run away
We still have places to go
Beaches to walk
Dances to dance
I am mesmerized by you
You are the best part of me
I will always belong to you
I know you will not go away