Wouldnt You Like To Know
I normally write when im feeling sad
This time its not the same
Its not cause life is bad
This time its becasue john met jane
I know love poems are sappy
I just know this one is going to be better
He does make me feel happy
And i dont know what rhymes with better except chedder [=
This isnt just about love oh no
Its about what ever i want
Im lettting my true colors show
So dont whine or grunt
This poem is a happy one
Im writing this with what ever comes to mind
So dont you dare run
Cause with my dinosaur you wont be hard to find
Some people may not like this
But ask me if i care
I dont know if this will me a miss
But this poem im willing to share
I love the color neon green
I love my boyfriend that is true
Although sometimes he can be mean [;
But i know he will never let me feel blue
Music is my life
So are animals
I dont know what is right
And i dont like canibals!
This poem makes no sence
But is that what you expected?
I know no one named vince
And i hate to be corrected
I have so many needs
How does brody out up with it?
I do question that indeed
But i know that we are fit
I end this poem now
As many of you would like
Just bow to me now
Cause im the princess, ight?!