Wouldst I Become, Last Gasp of Dying Star
Wouldst I Become, Last Gasp Of Dying Star
Wouldst I become, last gasp of dying star
brighter glow in Heaven's majestic sky
existing as hope's promise from afar
gifting inspiration before I die.
Wouldst I become, pure as sweet love affirms
a soft flame, warmth to soothe a hurting soul
true warrior to defeat world's evil terms
an illumination to sacred scroll.
Wouldst I become, saving grace to my love
waiting shelter in times of sad despair
golden rays of tenderness from above
alleviating woes too hard to bear.
Wouldst I become light to life's dark defeat.
Lover, your destiny sets you to meet.
R.J. Lindley, 4-25- 1979
Sonnet, ( From Starlit Sky, A Magnificent Dream Was Born )