I hope someday
you can find it in your heart
to extend your forgiveness
that undeserved kindness
for having openly hurt you
but in truth it is my own reproach
I do not trust myself
so that placing a wedge between us
will keep us from dishonor
I want to love you openly
not a rendezvous or tryst
of drunken desire
but that of a cherished loved one
whom you live with honor and respect
and not something tawdry
but glorious and approved
I would rather prick you now
than be the cause of death in you
preferable a bruising of you
that can heal than arrows of death in you
When you can make the choice
of letting love have its perfect work
and faithful in every respect
I would rather bear your reproach
than endanger your life before God
I left the ways of the world long ago
the endless wanton self serving desire
where sex is simply a handshake hello
and not the tender bonding of two souls
into one unity of truth for life
I would give my life to and for you
but I will not throw both ours away
this throwaway society
where everything and everyone
is just so much trash to be used
then tossed aside , disposed of
I do not want that for either of us
trash or treasure
that choice is yours
a building and not a tearing down
forgive please this pain
I have placed upon you
you are too precious
I desire the building of you
and not the tearing apart and down
when you can understand
the gravity of your choices
and the resultant end
it is your benefit I seek
in an approved way before God
and not the temporary pleasure of sin
this is the love I want for both of us
the kind that is thoughtful and lasting
and walks in the truth together
when you can openly ask me
to trust and love you for life
and understand this burden
the answer will be yes and Amen
COPYRIGHT © 2011 C Michael Miller
via Duboff Law Group LLC