Wounded Orphans
A Taoist's View of Bill Plotkin's
Wounded Southern Orphan.
Really, dear,
that's too long for a co-inviting title,
How about just-us for
Wounded Taoist Anawim?
I don't think we want to go
grieving back there,
Those early teenage years
of viral WinLose hurts
and monocultural bullying.
Wounds of WesternYang against EasternYin anger
and fear of never regaining newborn WinWin
sacred childhood innocence
Depressions and repressions
and lack of WinWin integrity guilt,
and abundance of LoseLose punishing jealousy,
and Loser victim shame
and NegativEnergy dark-yin karma.
Wounds of WinLose adolescent orphans
now compulsive
impulsive bipolar wounded ways
acting out WinLose internal-external retributions
And WinWin polypathic restorations
of innocent childhood
co-relationally free of LoseLose monoculturing
Yang against Yin
Outside against matriarchal Inside
LoseLose quarrels
yang bullying,
and retributively shaming and guilting
and cognitive dissonance
and chronic stress
and RightBrain nutritional sleep deprivation
and polyphonic polypathic polycultural outcome withdrawal
of innocent childhood healthy wealth
WinWin ZeroZones.
Wounded Sacred Orphans within
and without,
perennially planting
and harvesting
Immature Win-Yang
co-defined as
Lose MatriarchalYin
RightBrain sacred nutritional induction
cooperative invitations,
as not so LeftBrain limited by strategic nutritional indoor tactics
for Future Search
cooperative outdoor-organic meetings
installations in Green ReForesting HealthSpace.
Resounding cooperatives
of and for DNA-RNA ZeroZone coinvestment
in cooperative research,
neither WinLose against
nor WinWin for WinLose
intuited adolescent
confusingly chaotic
LeftBrain-NorthWestBrain historically encultured
by WiseElder RightBrain-SouthEastBrain's
sacred RNA-Green CoOperative EcoHealth
ecologically, and yet also theologically,
languaged polynomials
of ZeroZone identities
cooperative bilaterals
dipolar co-arisings WinWin secular health
bipolar co-gravitations LoseLose sacred wealth.
I was thinking of something
a bit less complex
and more Plotkin dynamically flowing.
South Wounded Orphans
complement WinNorthWest-WinSouthEast strengths
of reintegrating WiseElder North
by holding an essential cooperative southeastern GLBTQ leadership key
to sacred ego-ecological climate healing
of our fractal Adolescent Identity Wounds
for SpringTime Orphans,
undanced seeds of adolescence
Adolescent MotherTrees can yin-sing, dear
but it's harder to hear
they can dance through nurturing roots
long before those festive swaying branches.
and smaller plants
and their WinWin pollinators too,
And their WinLose voracious predators
all becoming climate uninvited,
especially wherever we overpopulate
turning from WinWin EarthTribe thriving
back toward WinLose Wounded Adolescent Orphans
doing our innocent best
to survive such LoseLose TLGB
Lose-matriarchal to Lose-patriarchal
yin/yang-trending grief
Without YinSquared
WinWin EnLightening
DeepLearning Green Plotkin Fractal-CoOperatives
inside both outside and
Left with ElderRight
secular-sacred bicameral
dipolar co-arising
Solidarity with PolyPathic GriefWounds.