Love Poem: Wounded Soul

Wounded Soul

A wounded soul was seeking help. 
Who was there to aid him? 

You were set before me with a need.  
I had the means to help and gave you nothing. 

Wounded and bleeding 
in the mist of a pack of wolves I left you.  

I saw the hurt in your eyes and in your heart, 
from the attacks they had done to you, and still I did nothing.  

Knowing that they would sniff out the wounds, 
I left you unarmed and unprotected. 

Surrounded by merciless wolves 
seeking those they may devour, 

because of my own fears and weaknesses, 
to them, is where I left you.

I did not attempt to lift you up out of the blood-drenched dirt 
To clean your wounds, I offered only a bandage 

A bandage to cover what I did not want to see.  
I am ashamed that I have left behind a bleeding brother in Christ.

Please forgive me!  
I failed you, .... I failed my Lord.

If you allow me, 
I will do what I can to help you 

Clean your wounds so the Lord may heal them.  
I will lift you up to the Lord in prayer 

Asking the Lord, that He may pour 
His healing balm over you.  

By God’s leading, you will walk past the snarling fangs 
and no longer be harmed. 

For you are a child of God, and 
He watches over all that He loves.      

Even those of us when we fall short, 
and when  we fail each other, He ALWAYS is there.  

He sees the godly man, the righteous man, 
the gentle and loving man that lives within the spirit.  

His sight goes deeper than what man can see.  
I pray someday ours also will see that deep.

I thank God, that He waits for us to see our mistakes, 
and gives us the chance to do right by our brother or sister in Christ.  

He gently pricks our heart until we submit and ask,  
‘what is it You would have me do, Lord?’

I ask you, dear brother, for your forgiveness.  
Please give me the chance to be of help.  

Prayers for you are sent heaven bound.  
Know that you are loved by God.

You are prayed for by one whose heart is broken 
by the conviction of my failures. 

Be not ashamed of where you were brought back to life from, 
instead rejoice loudly, dance for the Glory of God 

For He has come upon you and saved you!  
Give God the glory that is rightfully His!