Writer's Block Between Her
They call me Nock Knock,
I guess it’s because John John sounds the same,
And this is writers block,
That keeps just screaming' my name,
Thiers just one thing I want to write about,
Just one person that appears in my mind,
But its writers block that keeps giving' me a shout,
A person that has a heart that spells mine,
This person has taken over all of my brain,
But writers block is keeping' me from being free,
Now as my emotions start to go totally insane,
I start to feel as if I just really can't be me.
You see my heart is in another place,
And my mind I know is located near writers block,
My eyes want to send mental pictures of her face,
But my mind, its captivity, keeps my emotions locked,
You see I don't know where I went wrong,
Writers block is gradually slipping' away,
Because I'm starting to feel her where she belongs,
I guess the words "I love expressing my-self", writers block just couldn't say,
For her I am the impressionist,
The words "I love you" just isn’t going to cut it,
When I say there’s something stronger I think I'm being the realist,
I don't know...If she's just that person I really want to be with?
I guess it’s my love that really persists on reaching her for its touching bliss.
It seems like she doesn't want to keep in touch with me anymore,
I don't even think I was anywhere near "screw-up",
But I think I need to screw back a few steps more,
To see what between us really got messed up,
Now that writers block is gone I feel the need to let my emotions out,
To let my spirit free, to empty my soul of sorrow, to express my heart,
I'm just a little lost on how the feeling for her came to its doubts,
Since when did I ever feel as if I gave up like we're at part?
Two cutting edges between us really scares me,
We have never-ever really had any fuss,
Just the extra ordinary love speakers between the he and she,
But this feeling it needs to leave I feel as if it’s enough.