Writing Poetry - the Alliance Acrostic Style
~Writing Poetry~
(Alliance Acrostic)
W-hen I write just let my imagination soar n' sometimes to places unknown this way I go
R-emembering that the sky is the limit and that writing is wonderful
I-ndeed, I just love it when I get inspired
T-ensions and problems seem just disappear when I am writing all my poetry
I-t gives me joy to write in many styles
N-aturally for me writing is fun, keeps me alive
G-od is great! Gave it to me.
P-oetry is like a song, enlivens and unburdens my soul
O-ver anything I can write. Poetry is a wonderful gift
E-njoy poetry
T-ry to write in different styles and forms.You'll see how much fun you can have too
R-ead poetry and as many books you can and just write a lot everyday too
Y-ou can have lots of fun n' be happy you can write better,the more that you practice it everyday.
Dorian Petersen Potter
aka ladydp2000
The "Alliance Acrostic" is a poetry form or style, that was created by Patricia Ann Farnsworth - Simpson, on 20.7.2010.
“Kindness is a language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see.”
- Mark Twain