Writing In the Dirt
Writing In The Dirt
A child I had a worrisome pain that hurt
so often that I simply wrote in the dirt
So great and often was this huge fight
a great need to just open up to write!
No need to buy paper or turn the page
we were so poor when I was at that age
Writing so soothed my body and mind
sent my spirit gifted treasures to find!
How well I remember pretending to be sick
staying home from school with that stick
Writing poems and exploring the wild woods
ignoring things that I never ever should!
So often late afternoon sitting in the shade
the poems and short stories I cleverly made
Left for the wind and rain to just wash away
joyfully began again the very next dry day!
Harvest time my dad sure knew my little trick
moaning and groaning , pretending to be sick
Father came up with his compromising plan
weekends write , other days work like a man!
Summers when brothers and I were not fighting
my creative soul was under a tree writing
So great was that pleasure and purest joy
truly a great gift to such a very poor boy!
Sweet memories of wiling away the long hours
ran inside only by too many summer showers
Long gone are days of writing on the ground
internet, a computer keyboard happily found!
Robert. J. Lindley, 07-14-2014