Love Poem: Ye love me more for who I am
Aniruddha Pathak Avatar
Written by: Aniruddha Pathak

Ye love me more for who I am

Let this world mete out to thee unjust blame.
To me, thy fairest eyes shall ever shine,
Let tongues parrot what so eyes at fault frame,
Thy praise alone shall reach keen ears of mine.
Let humble thou of thyself speak modest,
Me, knowing thee well, shall always exhort 
Thee to hoist whatever be the fairest,
Modesty never plays a partial sport.

It’s rare still if one in love’s worldly-wise,
My views when weighed by love, are purified
By fire of truth can never once be lies,
An if my faith in love’s fairly applied,
I know, as well as thou, ye love me more
For who I’m than all that I said afore.              
Sonnet |11.05.2024| love, romance