Love Poem: Yearn
Valsa George Avatar
Written by: Valsa George


" Life is the story of men who have strived, won or failed and of hearts that keep yearning against all odds"    ~ By Poet

Like a pearl locked in an oyster, You have sealed your heart, barring entry. What currents flow through your heart? What eddy churns and gyrates there? Do the thoughts of our love linger there? Does my image, to your mind ever return? Do you recall how we stood silent beneath the stars? How we then built an epoch in a glance! We so blindly loved each other. Like a phantom I followed you behind. To you alone my heart as offering I gave. Never suspected any force would tear us apart! But how Fate waited swift to smite, And how we had to part in anguish, Toppling down the sand castles we built, Leaving a heap of debris behind. I yearn for what went missing at some point, Somewhere in the long journey of life. Now each sunset is a reminder of our touch, And your laughter rings in my heart as a haunting echo. I know, there is an ocean between us now Yet I desperately yearn for your embrace. Do I not deserve a second chance? I yearn for you, missing so much. Will you once more open your heart, That I can enter it and nest within, To douse all my smoldering pain Until Death invites us to our grave