I remember meeting you many years ago
That warm Sunday afternoon
I remember the love I got from you, your mum, your dad and your sister
Like an avalanche you guys embraced me with greater love I couldn't have imagined
I was young student from Kenya new in a world and culture that I couldn't have known how to deal with if it wasn't for people like you
That aurora of love have seen me this far
I remember coming to your soccer games
You were so good
Girl, you made your parents so proud
Your dad was the luckiest of all the dads, because he also was the coach
Like an avalanche, your physical ability and stability won you many games
Then many years later there was separation and divorce, and boom! Things changed from there
But even with the aurora of pain hanging around, you, your mum and your sister still got time to give me the best 21st birthday ever
And from that day, I've been hooked to cheesecake
Then after that we dint hang out as much
I got busy with school
Your mum had to get couple jobs
Once in awhile me and your mum had dinner
And did some catching up
She told me about you
Sad news to my ears
The people you hang out with it
The trouble you were getting into
Coming to visit you in jail is one of the hardest things I've ever done
I was so embarassed and scared
I dint know how to approach you in that kind of meeting
You were happy to see me
"Susan, I've made some bad decisions in my life" you said to me
You talked about changing your life; no more guns, no more drugs, no more bad company
You were so confident
You weren't scared, I was scared
You had that street aura that nobody can mess with you
You proudly showed your many tattoos that covered you all over
You showed me your muscles too
Your mum says, you are the son your dad never had
The most touching moment for me was when you sang me that Swahili song, the song you guys sang for me the first time we met
I couldn't control my tears coz I remember you as this quite hardworking girl that loved soccer so much
You reminded me of the dinner I had at my place, where I entertained you all with some kenyan cuisine and music
Your grandparents were there too, I respect them so much for their missionary work in Kenya and Zaire
Girl, I love you
I pray for you
I pray that you may have better years to come
I pray that positive aurora of life will lead you through
I pray that no matter what avalanche befalls on
You; whether positive or negative
You will have the tools to deal with it