Yes, Her I Will Marry
Cherry lips, with tastes of berry,
Tight hips, with twists so merry,
Beauty so deep, points more than Perry,
Hungry for the lines, Yes, her I will marry.
Skin softer than the softness of silk,
Body whiter than the whiteness of milk,
Fragrance sweeter than sweetness of Potpurri,
Hungry for the lines, Yes, her I will marry.
Hair lengthy, with the blackness of soot,
Voice deep, with the likeness of meerkat,
Walks lovely, swaying in her fancy stilettos,
Hungry for the lines, Yes, her I will marry.
And now I see with eyes serene,
And dream big with glances extreme,
If only we forever remained the same,
To the end of us all, to the start of us all.