Love Poem: Yes, I'm Saved
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Written by: Regina Mcintosh

Yes, I'm Saved

Romans Chapter 12:9-10 Let love be without dissimulation. Abhor that which is evil; cleave to that which is good. 10 Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love; in honour preferring one another;

Bursting into the still cool of Wednesday,
Blessing away the hours, 
In silent waves of hesitating light,
Healing Tuesday with gentle music, fulfilling
Even the shadow’s worth is lifted
Rhythms of hope, poured out on the memory,
Trembling with a peace that only the sunset
Can remember…

Pride, Vanity, Narcissism 
Fade like trinkets, bound for destruction,
Overcome by the seeds of your purpose,
Born to become, born to overcome,
In sighs of faith, she whispers,
Bordering the gates of forever, the hereafter,
Abiding inside the promises, 
Real healing, forgiveness, love so restful,
Speaking of the moment before He revealed
The truth, He is the everlasting peace,
He is the blending of hope and grace, He is…

Everything to me!

Speaking of Jesus – Speak to Jesus
He is the reason I can sing, praise, pray
With the assurance that life has this season
For my heart and soul, so that I might know
The wonder of a love that is beyond my control,
A love that began when He arose,
Inviting each one to the life that commenced,
When He hung from that cross – saving what was lost,
Saving us all from the darkest dark – saving us all…
We were freed by His love, His light, His life –
Laid down so we could become children of God!

He is everything and more – He is the love and hope.
He is the way to change from wrong to right,
From bad to good, from dark to light, from lost to saved,
From the past to the promise – because He was raised
From the silence of a grave, to give us the joy of His grace!

Thanks to Jesus, I’m truly saved!!!!