Yet, Can'T Help..!!
It burns like it’s the fire in Hell,
It hurt’s as my soul wept..!!
The hurt brings me the pain unknown;
As I live with a wounded soul..!!
Hate, such a dark feeling,
Yet, can’t help but feel..!!
Bad of other’s is not what I want..;
Yet, can’t stop my mind from wishing..!!
Ma heart works hard to fight..;
Yet, can’t win over the hate that grows within..!!
Hate, such a dark feeling,
Yet, can’t help but feel..!!
Forgiveness, is what’s right,
Yet, can’t forget that pain..!!
Betrayed is worse than being killed,
Yet, can’t die & am forced to live..!!
Shame, is all the past brings..;
Along with the tears for my hearts plight..!!
Forgiveness, is what’s right,
Yet, can’t forget that pain..!!
It burns like it’s the fire in Hell,
It hurt’s as my soul wept..!!
The pain brings me the pain unknown;
As I live with a wounded soul..!!