Love Poem: You!
Rophine  Writes  Avatar
Written by: Rophine Writes



    1.  The whole town gossips about your return. It is happening again.

    It is urgent like the pains of labor

    My streams of tears are making their way down the slippery slope of my soft skin.

    You are a resurgence. Painful and delicate

    2. It is not real

    Just a flicker or two of you.

    Never thought of this

    As love or not.

    Just a stupid mist

    Clouding my rational thoughts

   Holding me captive in my heart. 

    3.I have moved on, or so I thought.

    You broke my fire hydrant walls with only a touch.

    Like the moon envious of the sun, I hate every fiber of your being,

    Yet you control my heart with a mere glance.

    Each night in bed, glaring at your poster on my wall. Why do this to me?

    I wish you were but a nightmare.

    4. Howl in anger when my name is said

    Do everything to eject me out of your brain

    Fail at every try

    And you know why

    I am not mistake for which you seek forgiveness, 

    But a sin,

    Waiting to condemn you in the flames of hell