Love Poem: you, still -

you, still -

you live in me ... still ...
     so many adventurous years
               since I held your gaze ... heard your voice
          felt your fingers fill the spaces in mine, perfectly

mixed my spirit and body with yours
     swam up the river of your soul
               to THAT place - the undefined realm of unity
          and loss of self

so many moons that should have kissed your skin
     so many sighs and thoughts
               given to empty wishes
          yet you are there -

deep in the places I hold you, safe
     where others can not see or admonish for yesterday's sake
               where you can not thrust your blade
          of casual indifference

or let bleed to the passing of time
     the memory of all we were
               you live in me ... still ...
          and my last breath ... will be yours.

~ 6th Place ~  in the "Late July 2018 Premiere Any Form Or None" Poetry Contest, Brian Strand, Sponsor & Judge.