Love Poem: You are a blessing in every way
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Written by: Michelle Morris

You are a blessing in every way

You are a blessing to this world. 

You are a blessing in every way 
By Michelle Morris 

Like the sun
You always shine 
You are loved
A being divine 

Like the sky 
You reach the whole globe
You remind us all 
To look up with hope 

Like the water 
You are pure and free 
You remind us 
To pursue our dreams 

Like the flowers 
You bloom so lovely 
Always kind and 
So warm and bubbly 

Like the stars 
You always shine 
Even when it's darkest 
You spark a light sublime 

Like the Universe 
You expand and grow 
Like the love you show
To all you know

You are a blessing 
In every way, every day 
We love your soul 
We love you always 

© Michelle Morris, 2024