You Are My Rock
Like a million snowflakes falling upon hard rock....
Covering it gently for a while
Sparkling and glittering ready to melt and then disappear
That the rock would then return?
With grace the snowflake falls!
It visits knowing tis possibly,without a trace that it will last..
It's presence doth look so beautiful
In splendour when they settle it looks so pure, that I ask....
If that rock will be changed in anyway
By the inner beauty of those million snowflakes
I pray it will be changed in someway.
I pray it will, for rock that hard to never change,
Would be a shame indeed!
Tis no ordinary rock I pray for look closely....
There is a reason for his Disguise!
Like the Tortoise hibernating in his shell its not real!
Just its time its season! He is even a little afraid.
You will see his head again!
Yet this rock,
I'm so unsure so deeply I care for it.....
I wish for its recovery back to the crystal
Back to whence from it came...
To where it may shine and sparkle once again!
A million times brighter
Than that million snowflakes
Ever meant to be when they fell for you.