Love Poem: You Are My Sunlight
Jesus Rodriguez Avatar
Written by: Jesus Rodriguez

You Are My Sunlight

Pretty faces are easy to find. 
But finding that pretty face that matters most,
you have to climb.
The pretty face I've witnessed now,
I've gotten to know the host.
The features that compliment the gorgeous face makes me Up from Down
I'd travel across the town and more, for a mere hug.

Her hair so long and black that uses the wind to chime
so much beauty in one person is too abundant to take.
But when you leave my side
All I can do is shrug 
Until you're back in my arms.

You are my moon in the night,
For you moves the tides of my day.
you are my sun,
refracting and internally reflecting your rays in my rain
Brightening up my day with the colors of a spectrum in my sky.

The only word I seem suitable for you is 