Love Poem: You Are the Dawning
Connie Marcum Wong Avatar
Written by: Connie Marcum Wong

You Are the Dawning

You are the dawning light of my day as
I wake with your warm body next to mine.
Your deep sexy voice, 
my mesmerizing music.
You are the lilt in my laughter
uplifting my soul to heavenly places.
Your sleepy smile, the antidote 
mending my heart.
You never cease surprising me 
as your love beams from those dark eyes, 
I reach up to feel my messy hair,
I swing my legs from bed to floor 
with thoughts of combing my wayward locks.
You grab my arm and pull me back 
to lay my head upon your chest. 
We lay there silent in our bed,
no sounds are heard except a sigh 
exhaled from my satisfied breath.
