Love Poem: You Decide
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Written by: Emile Pinet

You Decide

Love is to be passionate and on fire, fueling everlasting bonds of trust. Not empty promises of a liar, distorting love in the pursuit of lust. You feel the tears building behind your eyes; your spirit sinks, scuttled by betrayal. And realizing what each drop implies, hopes collapse, and anxieties prevail. A devastating pain pierces your heart as truth dispels the illusion of lies. And while doubt and mistrust tear you apart, depression dismantles trust till it dies. The broken promises your heart endured were mere fantasy, deceit, and pretense. And juvenile dreams that never matured; spurred a catastrophic set of events. Like a river, destiny sets your course, but only you choose who'll be by your side. And should fate veer and head toward remorse, change your direction; you get to decide.