Love Poem: You Promised Me
Crystol Woods Avatar
Written by: Crystol Woods

You Promised Me

You Promised Me 
Vs.1) Up again, in the night
No sound, no sight
Only thoughts endlessly through my mind
I see your smile…I see your face
And I just can't erase all the plans that we .      
Made for our lives
Chorus) You promised me you said
Forever but instead, here I am
All alone in the night.
Vs.2.) Another day, to get through
Without love…without you
Just one step at a time…I'll get by
But I miss how we'd laugh at the drop of a 

hat, and I can't even smile anymore.
Chorus) You promised me… you said, 

forever but instead, here I am taking one 
step at a time
Vs.3. I'll be fine, yes I will
Cause I have some hope still
That one day all the pain will be gone
Time heals wounds…or so they say
But I just can't see the way
My heart will heal without the piece you 

stole away
Chorus) You promised me you said. 

Forever but instead…here I am… holding 
the pieces of my heart!