Whenever someone is referred to as the nicest it is you they mean,
You are also one of the most intelligent humans ever seen,
Not acknowledging your goodness is like committing a sin
Your greatness throws the best of others into a waste bin.

Beauty in no haste pastes a taste of deliciousness on your face,
The radiance of your smiles shines from a mile to brighten a gaze,
Your body sits on a seat of curvatures enough to quench a blaze,
You have a perfect combination of brain and beauty as a grace.

Prosperity prefers your home best for its bluntest expression of love,
Success brings you happiness with peace of mind fitting you like a glove,
The past pains of failures in your life have been relieved by God's oils of cloves,
Now your life is a reflection of blessings that's why prosperity filled up your troves.

May each of your days starts and ends with divine favours,
May good health and long life be there always for you to savour,
May abundance of wealth crown all your labours,
May you and your entire households enjoy blessings with divine flavours.