You Shook My Hand and Called Me Friend
You Shook My Hand And Called Me “friend…”
You shook my hand and called me “friend.”
But then told me “never come over again.”
You said that you loved me and was glad I came.
But apparently things now
are not the same.
I saw you at church and at the morning class.
Apparently you keep thinking about the past…
I’m not sure if it was something I said or did.
But right now, you seem unwilling to forgive.
Why do so many claim to have God’s
love and “profess it.”
In the way they treat others,
they seldom “confess it.”
It seems like the more others find out about me.
They’re quick to run and simply leave me!
I wish that someone would listen to what I have to say.
And just take some time with me and pray!
I too have sinned and my faults are so many.
Is there anyone who’ll listen? Are there any?
I ask you Jesus to help me… I now you can do it!
The problems I have…. Will you see me through it?
I extend my hand to you! My savior and friend!
I know that you’re someone I can truly depend!
Thank you for not leaving me like others did!
You’ve brought me hope
and a reason to live!
By Jim Pemberton