You Through God's Eyes...
I asked God to show me a glimpse of you through His eyes and He did.
You have so much potential in Him!
That's one thing I wanted you to see... you through God's eyes.
I don't think you understand how I felt and still feel about it.
Only God can show you.
I want you to be who you're called to be... But it's up to you.
I want so much for you.
There's so much more out there for you, but you have to be willing to just take it.
If you say your Father is King of kings... Then BE the prince that your are!
Don't be scared.
Like man have secret agents and bodyguards
We as Christians have our Angels at our disposal and as our secret agents and bodyguards.
I pray that God give you a glimpse of how He sees you...
You through God's eyes...