You Too
These are a few words that I have scribbled on a page
To help me not feel so enraged
Angry I am that I trusted you
Yet you too left me feeling neglected abused
You who promised to take my pain away
To help me forget the heartache of my days
In your arms I fell for refuge
Trusting that you would be true
I wanted to forget my past
To no longer feel like broken glass
I once more wanted to be whole
So much so that I let my logic go
I looked over all the signs and red flags
Because I was so tired of feeling like trash
But my broken heart I could not mask
My vulnerability
Left my heart in pure nudity
You promised not to treat me with such brutality
Brutal and futile was this effort for love
Now I hope to long for you no more
I will just have to pick myself up off the floor
No more will I rush into the arms of a man
Just to get over feelings I can’t stand
For I must love myself in order to withstand
The search for companionship
my lifelong relationship
and love that will bring me bliss
ak 8/22/10