Love Poem: You'll be fine
Mary Mahorney Avatar
Written by: Mary Mahorney

You'll be fine

Yes I have been hurt, been left in the dirt, 
Pretended to be fine, so many years of lyin,
Yes I've been pushed around, left on the ground, wallowed in the pity,  got drunk in the city, life is hard at best, some say it is a test, but I keep pushing forward, my life aint on a storyboard,  some things been left behind, what you're selling I ain't buying, yes I've been in the mud, broken and beat down, seen my own red blood, I guess we All Fall down, I've lived Life as a hellian, I've lived life as a saint, I learned both are just the same, with a different kind of paint,  I think I've left my anger, I'm letting go of fear, some I loved are now just strangers, it makes me shed some tears, I've learned that life is fleeting, we won't be here that long, that is why I'm pleading, live life through Love's song, treat each other well, and treat yourself with compassion, I've had my fill of heartache, but life is a distraction, I believe in God, I believe in Jesus, I believe there is a love, that never ever leaves us, but that don't make me better, that don't make me higher, if I wrote a letter, if I were the writer, I would tell you of a life gone by, a life much greater than you and I, a life full of pain and tragedy, a life that gave his life for me, my only intention would be for you to see, how truly loved you are, whoever you may be, yes I have been broken, left for all to see, but the words that I have spoken, will be my legacy, I hope that I have left More words of Love, I hope I never leave someone thinking that I thought I was above,  I hope my words bring healing, and not more tragedy, in whatever I am feeling, and whatever I choose to be, let me lift up my eyes to see, those in need surrounding me, and let me give myself to them, but never let my light grow dim, let me walk a path with you, a path of healing and helping through, let's walk together in intimacy, feel warm inside every time we breathe, bathe ourselves in the light of grace, never judge the tears on my face, I cry for many things unseen, I cry for the times that I have been, a wound on someone else's heart, let My words never depart, from speaking of Hope and destiny, all things that are, were meant to be, hold on to hope, even though the world is tired, hold your head high, no matter what's conspired, know yourself, know who You are, and when your time is done, riding round our star,  I hope you find a heaven, as beautiful as you are, May each day we live be something amazing, may we spend our days smelling flowers and our nights stargazing, may we give the love that God gave us all, and never forget that on him we may call, I'll leave you with this one last line, put love first, and you'll be fine.