Love Poem: You'll Remember The Faces
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Written by: Lovie Divine

You'll Remember The Faces

You'll Remember The Faces

You'll remember faces of the ones, 
who when no one knew your name,

their love, friendship, and loyalty were then, 
as it is now, the same.

You'll remember the faces that shed not a tear, 
along with those who cried with you, 

the faces that turned, among the faces that stayed,
and came running to your rescue.

You'll remember the faces among the crowd, 
who cheered, rejoiced, and praised,

along with those faces that smirked and frowned, 
as you were finally raised.

You'll remember the faces of those who cared, 
about your struggles, heartaches, and pain,

They were the ones who were with you when you were down and out... 
and they'll be with you in your reign.

Real love is not from whose door is only open, 
when with them you have a status to claim.

Real family is not always the same blood, 
running in our veins. 

You'll know your value when you become the needy,
beware the love that's fraud.

for they don't include those in need who are close,
using the needs of poor nations abroad

You'll remember the countenance of the very faces... 
of those you now know you can trust. 

They never took your kindness for granted, 
nor at first chance had knives to thrust...

Your story then, His glory now, 
your journey to higher places,

You'll now shine, you'll soar, forever more, 
but for certain, you'll remember the faces.