Young Soul
the deception of an eye can tell a story
impliction of the fury or ultimate glory
sacrifise ourselfs for a moment a journey
devesating situations we soon tell the world..of our pain..
no word of glory in it self or nothing else to gain
only the primitive ways are seeked to this contribution
the sounds of summer are far away they rest in retrebution
common carrier we all agree that love can find a away
or slip through our cataylst hands..
travel the world in serach for inner glory
for the passion of self
for the pain of no more..
for the inner glow we crave
the knowing of self belief
self reservastion
strive to find the love we all seek to cherish
for ones own worth.. pity it may be wasted
on careless means living for the now
living for the cause..
ones love could never be trusted
for a persons uncerteinty..
and we all must be there to learn that..