Love Poem: Your Beginning
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Written by: Laura Breidenthal

Your Beginning

Vacant longing in a sacred bind
Broken by love’s flaw
Eyes spill jewels upon the kind
Taking all . . . taking all
Kiss a drop of falling rain
Rising over the fears
Yank the warmth out of the pain
To welcome yester-tears

It was never about me,
Just falling around me
Rejoice with me as they take me all
And as I descend,
As I descend to face the night,
Know that my end, know that my end
Is your beginning

Chilled to the aching bone
You pick up remnants of the past
Far from home
Where all the emptiness blooms and lasts

Don’t crawl back to me in all your pain
Don’t pick up the crystallizing rain
Run, for my life never mattered
Fragments of this dream—cold and shattered

It was never about me
Just falling around me
Rejoice with me as they take me all
And as I descend,
Know that my end, know that my end

And never goodbye