Love Poem: Your body like a book of poetry
Jimmy Baer Avatar
Written by: Jimmy Baer

Your body like a book of poetry

In your delicate frame, a myriad of tales unfold,  
Like a book of poetry, each chapter a story untold.  
Your eyes, the windows to a soul deep and true,  
Reveal the essence of a love that forever grew.  

Your smile, a verse of joy and serene delight,  
Guides me through the darkest of night.  
Each curve and line, a stanza of grace and art,  
A masterpiece that eternally warms my heart.  

From your fingertips to your toes, a rhythmic dance,  
A symphony of love, of passion, of romance.  
Your body, a sonnet that I long to read,  
A treasure trove of secrets and every hidden deed.  

So let me linger on each page, each line, each space,  
Immersed in the beauty of your form, your face.  
For in you, my love, I've found my treasure trove,  
A book of poetry, a masterpiece of love.