Your Broken Flower
Your unlockable heart
I must try
Find your golden key
I must try you see
I cannot let it lie
Your broken flower
Dreams gone sour
The things you said before,
feels so raw
Ever get the feeling
you are alone,
thoughts reeling,
whispered moan
Your broken flower,
each petal a thought
Scattered trail
to the ivory tower
My heart caught
Your broken flower,
to mend
Gather all your petals,
you have the power,
you have a friend
Broken flower,
all forlorn
Leave these thorns,
let us talk until dawn
I have the golden key,
to your ivory tower,
to unlock your flower
This golden key I dream,
in delicate golden streams
My love grows by the hour,
to unlock broken flower
For the key,
bursts forth new petals,
you see.............
The colour you give to me
richer than any precious metal
This unlockable heart,
broken flower
Has a key,
this key is me
Each petal,
more valuable than any precious metal
The rich scent
of your flower
leaves me spent
golden key
that is me
will heal
the way you feel