Your Eyes
Your dark penetrating eyes pierce a part of my heart I never knew existed
With them, you see the me I don’t
The way they dig deep into my soul and salvage a sliver of sanity from the depths of my
scattered thoughts leave me gasping for your scent that fills the air which envelops us
That is my oxygen; the drug for which I pine
That look, you know the one, never fails to make me shiver in pleasure
It takes all the fight in me not to lose battle between desire and control
It escapes me at the sight of your presence
Now my body shuts down, all feelings cease, my heart slips into a deep sleep
One that cannot be awakened but only by your touch, the touch of sincere longing, one that
is genuine in its intentions and wants nothing more than to be simply loved, to be plainly
accepted, to completely adored
You are a being who shines light in the crevices of my deepest confusions
You are a being who plants seeds of hope in the barren land of my mind
You are the rainbow at the end of my downpour of tears
Oh, I love you so
Need I say more?