Love Poem: Your Eyes Spoke

Your Eyes Spoke

Your eyes spoke to me,
told me things that my heart did not yet see
Visions of love that would be;
if I chose to let go of the past,
and embrace discovering this new mystery
that stands tantalizingly before me
You are the embodiment of the secret desires
circulating in my dreams
Offering your smile as a loving balm
to heal ne from the pain of past rejection ...
then face a new voice with openness of mind
These emerald eyes that speak low to me,
has such a gentle, soothing voice
An earthy sound rooted down to the ground,
reviving my forlorn heart
I am touched in my mind
by the thoughts you share with your inviting eyes
Such calm and reassuring hope,
the words from your eyes have infused in me
Your eyes spoke with pure sincerity,
and abiding honesty of where love will lead
You have seen the future of our destiny,
and spoke with the sight of faith
of a love you've seen not yet given from me
But soon one day will be given freely
And when this love within me
flows into the reservoir of your heart
My eyes will then speak
joyful words to you: til death do us part