Love Poem: Your Heart Is Mine
Subimal Sinha-Roy Avatar
Written by: Subimal Sinha-Roy

Your Heart Is Mine

"I carry your heart with me (I carry it in my heart) I am never without it..." E.E. Cummings The sparkling dawn veneers my heart’s horizon with color, spreads the sunburst tinges of my timeless yearning, paints a golden garden blooming with luster of my love, unfurls the facsimile of your astral floral face I adore. The patina of radiant rose flushes your cherubic cheeks, glitters with the grandeur of resplendent pearls of dew, rhapsody ripples in the mesmeric meadow of my mind, your heart becomes mine, in the ether of euphoria I float. In vivacious vale of mind contoured by your charisma, as I carve an ardent conduit of longing to reach you, the fervent cloud of my craving melts in a torrent, makes my love for you a cascading stream I swim. Flowing with the current of your charismatic allure, my possessed passion sails to the moonlit bay of bliss, where your love weaves the lattice of stars in my sky, in my heart the shine of enchanting sequins I preserve.