Love Poem: Your Image
Jay Narain Avatar
Written by: Jay Narain

Your Image

Posted as You on PS on 8/16/2023 in Free verse Format

When I see your amorous image in the moon,
Clouds cover it up, make us drift evermore.

When I carve your image in the sands of the beach,
Waves come and snatch you from me.

When I adore your image in the lake,
Wind gusts come and scatter my dreams.

I have engraved your picture in my heart,
No one in the world could ever erase it from my heart.

New one in Acrostic format:

Your image simmers in the moon’s amorous gaze. 
Over in the sky, clouds conspire, veiling love’s sweet haze, 
Under the celestial light, drifting us apart, in the depth of night. 
Restless waves, seeking lover, hug the beach in rhythm, 
I carve your statue on the beach, hoping waves wait and greet you, 
Moody waves crash in, disrupting tranquil dreams, scattering my hopes. 
A mirror of adoration, your reflection gleams in the tranquil lake, 
Gushing winds rush in, breaking your image in thousand ripples, disrupting my dreams, 
Eternally I have etched your image in my beating heart, it will never depart.