Love Poem: Your Perfume
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Written by: Natalie Braddy

Your Perfume

It's a smell that I don't know, but seems so familiar
it's a smell of all my favorite flowers--picked up, blended, shaken and stirred all in one
- tulips and carnations, daisies and roses...floating lillies and patches of posies.
this unforgettable smell, makes my mind wonder
exotic fruits and sweet blends taste bitter in my mouth, makes my heart fonder
it's a smell that lingers in the air...
gives me goose bumps and makes the hairs on my arms stand up and salute.
it's a smell I don't mind to swallow, a smell like a puppy, I follow
I inhale this smell like smoke, sometimes I inhale so much, thought I'd choke.
this smell like voodoo, have me under spells.
this aroma that spark my fire
light my flame
drizzle over your body like a mist
this smell has me hugging grounds and clouds I kiss
...this smell is your fragrance
this smell is your perfume.