Your Soft Silhouette
Your soft s i l h o u e t t e lingers into an artisan’s canvas,
the outline of your nape I seem to trace with such ease-
I use my charcoal to sketch the nudity of your beauty,
and with each stroke I draw…
I am comforted.
Your body shape is breathless,
your contour divine-
your curvatures…
I embrace.
Each line seems like a memory I never wish to release.
For you are a portrait of embellishments-
As I exaggerate your body shape
I am sent to an abyss of infatuation.
Tracing each crescent of your soul entices my taste,
and forever I am bound to your image.
each breath I breathe.
with me by your side.
I shall frame you in the morning with adoration,
and at nighttime, a tender kiss I shan’t forget-
for you shall always bring me a longing sensation,
lingering into my essence...
is your soft s i l h o u e t t e.
Date Written: September 14, 2017