Your Voice
I walk the streets at night
I watch the people hurry
They spend their lives forever running
Quick hurry up and wait
But the clock ticks on She waits for no one
For all their plotting and planning they wait
Longing for the perfect day
The perfect moment
The perfect kiss
Blindly they follow complacent
Some conform to the system of check and balances
Others devoted to the proverbs of long dead forgotten kings
All the while a lifetime will pass them by as a thousand new stars are born
The clock chimed and the entire world stops
Stops for just our moment
I grasp for pieces tiny pieces of fleeting bits of time
And for just a moment I taste of dreams
Dreams that felt so close so real
I am left to mourn
My magic has failed me and wisdom too
But not time she never fails
Now spent dreams diminish
The precious pieces slipping away
That’s what Time does she makes the memories fade
How long did I wait to touch your face?
I look into the night sky and I do not recognize these stars
Nor do I have wishes left for them to hear
They have all left me along with your voice
Your voice that kept you real
But I can’t hear you now
I can’t remember
I can’t remember
I can’t remember the sound of your voice
Day steps up pushing Night aside and the wait is over