Your Wishing Well of Hope
Its been three years since we've met
two years since we started sharing a bed
and one year since we haven't been
fighting on what could have been.
wishing you'd give up her hand
hoping you'd see your kids again.
For three years I have listened
you cry over your past
hoping to guide you forward
to a better path
I've smiled to people
I didn't want to serve
just to make the rent
I've taken orders from the rudest soul
bit my tongue and begged
not to spare the tip
at home is a hungry man
I've loved you from the start you see
I cannot escape what you've done to me
you've made me smile, shared many laughs
heard me cry, carried me though
the darkest times I've been with you…
but secretly there is another side
the one I try, but lately can't hide…
the one who's secretly been waiting
hoping you would pull through
three years later, and I'm still wishing on you
the lady I smiled at before
is starting to make me angry
I can no longer work for her measly tip
of pennies.
Take me away like you said you would
help me live the life I thought we could
there is only so much love can do
when in many ways there isn't two…
and I'm still looking to count on you
but my pockets are low on pennines
and there are no more left to throw
down your wishing well of hope.