You'Ve Taken Over My Poetry
Now that you've completely taken over my soul
You've also taken over my poetry
Everything I write is inspired by our love
My focus is always you and me
My inspiration, my brightest star in the sky
I'm the luckiest man on earth
How come I've been blessed with a beautiful love
A lady so sweet with such mirth
I'm totally amazed at how similar we are
Bout how we think true love should be
This over the top commitment to each other
Yet still have this feeling of free
With over seven billion people in the world
I'm wondering if we're unique
Probably not but it sure has that feeling
At the statistics I'd sure like to peek
No matter what they prove it feels that way
Like it's never ever happened before
The luckiest two people on the face of the earth
So honoured I can say I'm yours